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  • GET TO KNOW ME | Wellness Garden

    Top of Page MY NAME IS ISOKE BAPTISTE. HOW I STARTED PRACTICING SINCE WHAT I DO IN A NUTSHELL WHAT I PRIORITIZE WHAT I LEARNED I FEEL YOU. MY DEBILITATING ANXIETY WHAT WE DON'T KNOW CAN HURT US TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH MY NAME IS ISOKE BAPTISTE. I'M A HUMAN FIRST AND I TAKE PRIDE IN SEEING THE FULL HUMANITY IN PEOPLE. As a board-certified mental health nurse practitioner, I take a holistic approach to health and focus primarily on mental health. SEE MY CREDENTIALS I started my career working as a Clinical Vascular Nurse in 2012 at The George Washington University, where I completed a Master of Science in Nursing and a Graduate Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing, both with academic honors. HOW I STARTED I began my healing journey in 2010, to achieve the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance I craved. This transformation inspired me to study nursing and start my own practice, to bring this powerful experience to others. 0 5 1 2 PRACTICING SINCE Nurses are teachers at their core. While doctors diagnose, nurses treat and plan. WHAT I DO My main job is to educate you and help you understand the state you are in. The ability to diagnose and prescribe along with a masters degree in nursing is a beautiful marriage. IN A NUTSHELL I can prescribe medication, including anti-depressants such as medical marijuana depending on your needs, psychological state and degree of depression. I then check back with you through telemedicine to get an update on your mental state and adjust medication as we continue to do regular, weekly, biweekly or monthly meetings. When consulted, I touch upon every area of your life. WHAT I PRIORITIZE I recognize the role systems play in our internal worlds, the stories we tell about ourselves, and the lives we lead. Which is why I prioritize equal access, personalized care and patient education. I am here to help you understand why you feel a certain way and how your mental state is connected to your physical health, affecting everything from your immune system to your vital organs. When you thoroughly understand all is connected, the path to healing will become crystal clear. A lot of times, we don't realize we are depressed because we associate depression with extreme mental states. But depression often presents itself in the details, where you feel something is just off and wrong. Depression can be as simple as not having the energy you normally have; or it can stir up feelings of guilt, sadness or inadequacy where you think you failed as a mother, a coworker, a sister or a daughter, simply because you are not doing these things that society dictates and makes you feel like you should. WHAT I LEARNED Depression presents itself in a myriad of ways. I FEEL YOU. Even though we are not exactly the same, I can understand what you are going through. Because, I went through it, too. MY DEBILITATING ANXIETY During the pandemic, I found myself in a debilitating state of anxiety. I was having insomnia with classic symptoms. I just couldn’t shake it. I knew, I needed help! I first found a therapist and as I talked through my issues, with my therapist's guidance, I decided to ease my healing process with an antidepressant. I have been on Lexapro for over a year now. It not only supports my healing journey, but also helps me relate to my patients. WHAT WE DON'T KNOW CAN HURT US When you have poor relationships, a lot of times the common denominator is you. But, remember that all our experiences come from childhood. The adult life is an imprint of the early emotional and physical developmental stages. If you experienced those developmental stages in a positive way, you adapt well to adulthood. If you had negative experiences - if you weren’t nurtured as a baby, if you weren’t given confidence, if you were abused, all of that affects how you experience life today. I, myself, am discovering my issues in therapy. Those experiences enable an understanding of why I am the way I am, and help me coach things in a fully aware mindset. To give a gardening reference, water is important for a plant to grow. But it doesn’t matter how much water you put in, the plant will not grow and bloom, unless you clean the soil first. And, that's exactly where we start. The problem may stem from unhealed emotional childhood wounds, you don’t even know exists. That is why we need to start from the soil. TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH Healing is a limitless journey where you add positive components piece by piece, to slowly cultivate a balanced, colorful garden. When you put yourself first, when you do the internal work, when you start talking, the healing process begins. And just like a beautiful vine that grows and expands, it starts spreading to every area of your life. You have a better relationship with your spouse, your partner, your children, your friends, your work colleagues and most importantly, you have a better relationship with yourself! Believe in your worthiness and commit to cultivating your own wellness garden. LET'S DO SOME GARDENING TOGETHER

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